Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How to Write a Book in Three Hours

Wondering if you've got it in you to write a book? Do you have three hours? Watch this youtube video and get inspired. This gentleman not only tells us, but walks us through the process of how he wrote his book in three hours. I worked as a Medical Transcriptionist for a while and I have thought of dictating my story into a recorder before and transcribing it myself. I just can't seem to find the quiet time to "talk" my story out. I'm constatnly surrounded by children. I would need a quiet space to talk my story out. I also kinda feel stupid when talking my story out loud. I have no idea why. I am more geared toward internal dialogue and letting it flow through my fingers out through the keyboard. I can type just about as fast as I can talk and there's a lot less ummm's and ahhh's. I can just see myself talking my story out: I'd be walking through the house talking into my recording app and the squeals of children would be in the background asking me what I'm doing or who I'm talking to, any my hubby would cast worried glanses at me while I'm having conversations out loud with myself! LOL! But this video may inspire you on how you could adapt and use this as a tool in your writing life. Enjoy! Blessings!

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