Wednesday, February 29, 2012

March Madness

I discovered a new contest of sorts over at the blog of Denise Jaden. She's organized and hosting something akin to Nanowrimo. She calls it March Madness and it's open to all writers, illustrators and lovers of books. You leave a comment with your goals you want to accomplish in writing or reading or both for the month of March and you check in at the assigned checkpoints each day. She's also giving out prizes!

I love these type of organized contests. I find them highly motivational. And I am a firm believer in the power of accountability. You are more likely to do what you say you will do when you have to talk to someone about it!

My goals for the month of March are to take the 50+ pages I have on my current WIP and come up with a detailed and complete outline for it. I want to start writing the story from that outline and get at least 20K words out by the end of March. Also, I want to post here at least once a week and add more links to the link page. 

I have a bit of research I have to do to complete the outline. I plan on accomplishing it and writing the outline within two weeks. That will give me two weeks to get 20K out. I hope I can accomplish this. I've got to get this story down and out of my head. These characters have been with me for about 3-4 years now and they won't go away. I tried telling their story during NaNo this year, but I found out that I'm not a pantser and I did get 50K words out, but their story did not get completed. I ended up with a loose pile of scenes that didn't connect well. I couldn't bring myself to throw it out, so I'm salvaging it as best I can and putting it into an outline. I think this process will go better for me if I can get that outline down. 

In the meantime, I also have a three-year-old recovering from a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy and she is my first priority. Her needs will come I may not get much work done this first week of March and that means I'll have to double-time it during the second week. My goal is to stay focused on my writing in any spare time I can find. I want to put my headphones on and turn the music up loud and outline/research/write as fast as I can go with what little time I can find to do it in. 

What about you? Do you enjoy contests like these? Are you participating in March Madness? Leave a comment if you are and let me know your Twitter ID and I'll follow you. I enjoy connecting with other writers.