Monday, September 26, 2011


Welcome to my blog! I'm thrilled that you've taken time to stop by!

 I'm all over the internet and I wasn't sure if I needed an official blog or not, but according to the guru's "YES YOU NEED A BLOG!" So here I am blathering like an idiot on this blog post.

I'd like to see myself post to this blog once a week, but honestly I'm not sure what is realistic for me. I have never kept a blog before. I should be able to do bi-monthly posts for sure, we'll see as I go along. When I'm not posting here, you can find me at twitter (which I love!), facebook and tumblr (where you'll hear me rant about everything).

I'd like to use this blog to talk about the craft of writing, discuss my writing progress, and talk about tools you can use to master the craft, and anything else that relates.  Oh, I'm also a Homeschool Mama so I'll be talking about Homeschooling also, perhaps curriculum or how to keep life in balance between homeschooling and writing, etc...

I'm also gonna be talking about the books that I'm reading and throwing some nuggets of wisdom from them out there into the universe.

So friend me, follow me, link to me.....whatever floats your boat....I'm sure if you wander around cyberland in the writing circles or are an avid book reader we'll run into each other again.

Nice meeting you!